As a marketing agency, especially one with a focus in one specific industry for so long, we understand the difficulties breaking into new verticals....
A tale as old as time, you want to increase your sales and you have two options. Increase your traffic or improve your conversion rates of the current traffic. While neither of these tasks are easy, these simple changes to your social media ads, website, landing pages, or even email...
As we wrap up another long year, filled with change and innovation, we look to the future. What will 2022 bring for our clients marketing needs? It’s easy to set lofty goals for the new year, and our clients will. But I wanted to see what the marketing environment may...
Corporate Leaders are faced with reimagining their corporate culture in a world where office rituals and standards no longer exist for most employees. Gone are our casual office conversations, which gave insight into your co-worker's lives outside of the office. Through these face-to-face conversations, we developed strong bonds and were...
I am consistently amazed at the fast-paced changes in technology and strategies deployed by the marketing industry. Companies such as ours, and yours, must stay agile and forward-thinking in their developments. This is one of the reasons our Diamond Discussions, so we can share important information with each other where...
As part of the last stimulus package that was passed in January, there was a provision in the law that allowed for the prepayment of 50% of the child tax credit in advance instead of it being used when you file your taxes at the end of the year. The...
A company’s culture is so much more than just a selling point during the recruiting and hiring process. Your company culture encompasses the workplace values, and overall vision that drives your company forward and inspires employees to give your customers the best possible experience.
Customer experience is more important than ever...
These days, our inboxes are flooded with emails ranging from order confirmations, newsletters, and still promotional emails from companies. But how do you make your email stand out from the rest? This was an issue I ran in to when I first started with Diamond. The email subject line. It...
There are many new buzzwords right now as big companies like Google, Apple, and Facebook are making significant changes to how they track, identify, and allow business and marketing professionals to use their users' information in their marketing efforts. As companies plan the rest of 2021 marketing strategies, we must...
The global Pandemic has changed the way every person in the world does their shopping, which requires every business to adapt how they sell their products and run their business. Studies in this article show that as we all transition to this new normal, customers opinions are also changing. Walkers 2020...