Author: Courtney McGilvary

illustration of chart bars indicating performance in a particular industry

Financial institution leaders are recognizing the importance of implementing audience-targeting strategies to reach potential clients more effectively. This approach not only enhances customer acquisition and retention but also significantly boosts the return on investment (ROI) for marketing campaigns. By leveraging data-driven insights to target individuals based on household income, credit...

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Conquest email marketing has become a formidable asset, especially for enterprises within the financial sector. This tactical method empowers financial institutions to pinpoint specific audiences accurately, fostering increased engagement and conversions. Within this article, we will explore the intricacies of conquest email marketing and outline effective metrics for measuring success....

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Variety of CDB and Cannabis products

Alcohol, Spirits, CBD, and Cannabis industries face unique hurdles in finding new potential customers as they are categorized as “Restricted Categories” which significantly reduces their marketing capabilities.  Often relying on expensive advertising campaigns, many companies find these tactics cost-prohibited and focus on organic and word of mouth for growth.  However,...

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