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Customer Retention Through Operation Processes

Communication and effective processes are the two most important factor to success for any business. Not only for clients to have a positive experience but most importantly because clients will notice when there are issues across internal team and your internal teams is not on the same page.

At Diamond, we have worked to set up internal processes to ensure a highly effective and seamless experience. This workflow of protocols has helped lead to long-lasting relationships and an overall higher customer retention rate! Below is an example of some of the processes we follow on any new campaign, and the tools we use internally to help maintain them.

  • Once a program has been sold, the sales team reviews the client’s expectations, the basis of the program, and to discuss any missing information from the Purchase Order with an internal production meeting held between the Sales, Client Success Manager (CSM), and Account Management teams. The Purchase Order includes all of the pertinent information for the program and is housed our Sales CRM, Hubspot, to communicate details to all departments including Accounting through our integrated automated workflows with Slack.

  • Next, the CSM sends a campaign introduction email to the client directly to introduce themselves and their personal Account Manager. This email also includes and itemized list of any missing information that is needed to move forward as well as an overview of what they can expect next when working with Diamond Media Solutions.

  • Once we have the components to move forward a design meeting is held with the Account Manager and our Creative Director to go over vision for the campaign. We use Wrike as a Project Management tool to help streamline information and changes across the multiple teams and our clients as most of our clients prefer our PM tool rather then through their emails and downloadable PDF.

  • Once the creative and targeting components are approved by our client, the Account Manager will complete the production process of setting the campaign live. Once the campaign has gone live and the data feeds begin to populate, the Account Manager will perform a quality assurance check (QA) to confirm a proper launch has been completed. After the QA has been completed they will send a launch confirmation to the client, the CSM, and Sales rep their campaign is live and tracking properly for success.

  • Ensuring that the client receives the most from their campaign is imperative, and at this point the CSM reaches out to schedule a Reporting + Onboarding Meeting. Our Reporting + Onboarding Meeting is held one week post launch to review campaign process, their initial reporting and pacing, and help answer any questions that might arise over the go-live process.

  • Depending on the length of the campaign there can be multiple meetings scheduled to continue building the relationship with the client and to provide an accurate transparency to the overall progress of the campaign. The majority of our clients receive 30 day Optimization meeting with the Sales rep and CSM in order to go over ROI and discuss opportunities for continued campaign performance.

At Diamond Media Solutions, we focus heavily on the importance of following these processes. We have found by including all teams within the processes of a campaign it helps them to feel valued, included, and motivated. It also helps to ensure all employees understand the objectives and expectations of a campaign so that benchmarks are met for the client ultimately increasing customer satisfaction and retention!

Jayme Hill is Chief Operating Officer for Diamond Media Solutions.

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