Blog feature image of human faces but the shadows and highlights are inversed representing the "negative buyer persona" or the buyers a business does not want to court

What Is A “Negative” Buyer Persona?

You will often hear about buyer personas, but understanding your “negative buyer persona” and how to use this persona to your advantage could have an even more significant impact on your marketing performance. 

Why use negative buyer personas?

Negative buyer personas are the set of people that are NOT your customers, as they may not be a good fit for your products or services.  For example, if you sell farm equipment, your target clients may not be e-commerce beauty shoppers. Another example could be that if you are in the Health, Wellness, and Fitness industry, you may sell herbal supplements for menopause, so your negative buyer persona would be males. 

How to create a negative buyer persona

Creating a negative buyer persona is the same as creating a positive one. You simply take all of the information you gathered about your ideal customers and make it the opposite. 

Our current client is a non-profit educational organization that helps individuals obtain careers in the manufacturing industry. They have two distinct groups of people they help: Youth and Experienced Workers transitioning into a new career. Our negative personas include individuals who are in a fulfilling career, are currently in school for a career, or wouldn’t be able to work at a manufacturing company for personal reasons. 

When to use negative buyer personas

Negative buyer personas are useful for understanding the people you don’t want as customers and those who will never buy from you. You can use negative buyer personas to help refine your marketing strategy, including:

  • Where to advertise (e.g., where not to advertise)
  • What type of content works best with various groups of people (e.g., what doesn’t work)

Negative buyer personas are a great way to identify who you don’t want as customers. They can help you understand what types of people might not be interested in your product or service so that you can focus your outreach to potential buyers and focus on where they are, not where they aren’t. 

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